Hi all-
recently, three new ferrets entered mymostly quiet 2-ferret home.  First
off,  let  me apologize in advance for my poor typing:  I  was bitten
rather badly today  when I intervened  in a ferret-fight, and myhand is
sore. So, typing is difficult.
Anyway--  Ben  and  Joon LOVE  one of the new females,Salem.  However,
theother two new ones are  causing some problems.  Winston is BEAUTIFUL
andsweet  *to me* but when he and Ben get into the  "hidey-hole" under
the dishwasher (where I  can't get to  them) they FIGHT. I was very
worried today, because the screaming had been going on for about 7
minutes before Ben finally  came running out,  looking VERY upset. Ben is
very gentle, but when Icpicked him up  *HE* bit  me *HARD*  (thinking I
was Winston, I'm sure.)  When he realized it was me, he calmed down and
went to sleep.
The other problem  is the other new  female.  She attacksBen AND Joon in
their sleep, causing them to scream.  She doesn't just play-- she really
*is* attacking them. She's a very submissive ferret with  PEOPLE, andeven
with Salem and Winston.   She is justTERRORIZING Ben and  Joon. she's
acting like this is HER house,insteadof the other  way around.   Ben and
Joon either runout of the room when she comes in,or they roll  over
ontheir backs and close their eyes. I've never seen them so submissive!!
Usually they love to wrestle and tumble...
This  has been goingon for three weeks.  How LONG doesthe  acclimation
process take?  Also, I've never been bitten like this before:  do I need
to do anything special other than keeping it clean?  I never realized how
gentle the ferrets are with me until today....  wow, they must REALLY
bite each other *hard*!
----  [log in to unmask]  (Andrea M.) [log in to unmask]
                 Ferret-children Joon and  Ben
        Sweet Dreams to my sweet angel-ferrets Frito and Kadi
---------------------    merry part   ------------------------------
[Posted in FML issue 1114]