Hi!  I just got onto Compuserve, found the ferret forum, downloaded the last
3 months worth of ferret newsletter postings, and spent 3 days reading them
all.  This is great!  I owned ferrets for the last 10 years and found more
info here than anywhere else!  I thought I was all alone as a ferret owner!
I am glad to be a new subscriber and look forward to interacting with all
of you.  I promise not to "lurk" and over the next few weeks will try to
contribute a history of my first four ferrets and what I learned from them
(Critter, Gizmo, SweetPea, and Bobbin) and then will follow with notes
on my current gang (Sasha and Misty).  I promise not to replicate the FAQ,
but I do have some additions to make!  Looking forward to it!
Erika Matulich (fuzzies:  Sasha & Misty)
Arlington, Texas
[log in to unmask] (internet)
72066,1120 (Compuserve)
[Posted in FML issue 1114]