This is for Heather Jane Bilicki,  I have two ferrets, Ratbert and Chucky.
 They both will actually make the kissy sound ( you know that cool one) and
run up and try to kiss anyone right on the mouth.  I swear you have to see
it, its so darling.  And as for vacuum cleaners...Chucky attacks them and
defends ratbert  from the "Evil sucking Monster".  Ratbert acts really brave
with it until her tail gets sucked up, and then she runs behind Chuck for
My boyfriend and I recently built them a new house.  They like it so much
that they no longer give you a sad face that says "I wanna run around
now"....Its really weird.  I have to pull them out of their house.  After
they are out, they run around for a while, and somehow end up back in their
house.  Can anyone explain why they would rather play in their house than
explore mine??  Chucky has figured out how to get out of any cage, and I have
caught him upstairs when he wasn't supposed to be.  By the time that I can
stop what I am doing...He has "Houdinied" himself back in...He is so smart.
 The whole time he is doing this, the other fuzzy is asleep and has no
clue....I wonder if she knows that her boyfriend spends his nights wondering
around...She probably doesn't care.  She is more concerned with playing with
the dog.  OH ANOTHER FUNNY THING  I have a dog whose name is Mork.  The
ferrets and Mork both sleep down here in my room.  Ratbert actually takes
food from her bowl, and pushes it out on the floor for Mork to eat.  Mork
likes cat food better than dog food now....Its darling to watch, but now I
have all these cans of Mighty Dog that are going to waste because Mork
doesn't want them anymore!!!!  : P
Well, Good luck with everyones fuzzies!!! I really enjoy reading all of these
Holly, Chucky, Ratbert, and Mork
[Posted in FML issue 1113]