For those of you who are looking for "Looney balls", the battery powered knobby
 balls that jiggle, bounce, and rebound, they are available at most toy stores.
 They are sold as a toy for infants/toddlers. I don't recall the cost. I have
 seen them and have wondered if our three would enjoy it.
To Pam Grant: Could you please pass on any additional information about the
 Orlando ferret show scheduled for late March? There is no location or contact
 person in the show listing and we're considering going. Thanks in advance.
To Troy Lynn: We have noticed that our ferret, Casper, has two distinct smells
 to him. His neck smells like Fritos but his butt smells sweet. I would almost
 call it fruity. You would think it would be the other way around! : )
Someone posted awhile back that they had introduced their ferrets to someone
 else's albino ferret, who hadn't seen another ferret since he had been adopted.
 When we brought our second ferret, Trixie, home, Casper acted lethargic,
 wouldn't eat, wouldn't give kisses, and would run as soon as Trixie got close.
 Fortunately, my wife works in a small, low-key office and was able to take
 Casper to work with her. He knew this place well and would eat and act almost
 normal while there. We surmised that Casper was jealous of and afraid of
 Trixie, because he didn't consider himself a ferret. After much TLC and
 reassurance that Trixie would not eat him, Casper decided that having a little
 sister was, in fact, OK. When we brought home the third ferret, Binky, neither
 ferret blinked an eye, although Trixie gets picked on the most because she's so
Since we now have a herd of three, weekend mornings are always, um, interesting.
The three monsters don't understand that we don't want to get up at the crack of
 dawn when we don't have to. Casper usually scratches at something across the
 bedroom, Trixie usually bounds about noisily, but Binky has topped them both.
 He has discovered the mini blinds that hang over our bed. He has found that if
 he bites the plastic cover on the end of the pull string and "falls" off the
 pillows, he can make the blinds go up and down. Quite a racket that early in
 the morning.
So long for now.
Binky: yahoo, life is great!
Trixie: This new little brat is fun, but a pain
Casper: Sniffle, Sneeze, run, play, kiss, kiss
[Posted in FML issue 1113]