To Marcos Ferreira <[log in to unmask]>:
        I've seen many statements about some cat foods being bad for ferrets
because they are made from FISH and not CHICKEN.  You feed your ferret
primarily FISH based food?  Also, some have said that hard food should be
the primary diet.  What are the ratios you are feeding the wet food and
dry food to her?  Is this good for the ferret (this directed to the Dr's
on the FML)?
1)  What are the effects of alcohol in very small quantities on ferrets?
The reason I ask is because on the weekends while I am relaxing (or
attempting to with the ferret out) and drinking a beer, if I'm not
watching she'll approach the beer and try to lick soem out of the
bottleneck.  I immediately take it away from her, but if she were to
ingest some beer, would it harm her?  BTW, I'm _not_ one of those sick
people who feed alcohol to animals to see there reactions.  Although, my
fraternity brothers did feed one of their dogs peanut butter, but he
loved it and wated more.
2) Is there any FML'er from the Princeton, NJ area?  I live in
Lawrenceville and tried contacting Gail Tomko of Ferret Contact in
Princeton weeks ago by mail and she has not responded.  Does she still
run Ferret Contact?  I would like to meet other ferret owners in the
area.  There are certain behaviors that are hard to explain that Nibbles
exhibits and I would like a veteran owner to tell me if they are strange
or not.  I could also use some hands-on instruction to help me stop her
nipping.  Nothing I've tried works.
Thanks in advance for any info,
Jim Makowski and Nibbles
[Posted in FML issue 1094]