To Jill who's having trouble getting Baby to eat:
        Jill, at our house, when we have a sick ferret, we use Gerber
     chicken baby food (second meals - blue jar), which we warm to room
     temperature.  Then we use our fingers and hand feed the sick ferret.
        Now the first time or two, the ferret will not want the food, as it
     is something new, and ferrets generally aren't very adventurous
     eaters, but we press on and put the food right in their mouths.  After
     a time or two, they decide that it isn't all that bad, and start
     licking it off your fingers.  The key is to give them AS MUCH AS THEY
     WANT TO EAT, no matter how long it takes.
        Then they will want to be hand-fed for a while, whichis okay for a
     few days.  We usually do it at lest four times a day.  Eventually,
     they will start to eat it off the plate, which is even better.
        Just make sure it is a bit warm, but NOT TOO HOT.  You will never
     get a ferret to like something after he has burned his tongue with it.
       Bruce Williams, DVM                 Department of Veterinary Pathology
       [log in to unmask]         Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
       OR [log in to unmask]           Washington, D.C.  20306-6000
            (202) 782-2600/2602
[Posted in FML issue 1111]