Hi, everyone! Frankie now has shiny, pearly whites since she got her
teeth cleaned. No more tartar. And she got chicken-flavored
toothpaste and a toothbrush, too. Everything turned out fine. Thanks for
your support regarding anesthesia. The vets and assistants have all
decided she's the sweetest ferret of all three of mine now, because she
didn't give them any trouble. Ha!
To Mr. Thistlethwaite: If your friend in Oregon isn't going to spend more
time with his ferret in the future, please give the ferret to me. I just
can't stand the thought of him staying there.
To the gentleman in Peterborough, Ontario: My Irish ancestors lived in
Peterborough before they moved to the U.S.
To Dr. Williams: Lucky Charm seems to be getting better again. She still
sneezes occasionally (usually when she gets into something, like you
said) but isn't vomiting very often. She's a non-stop little playing
machine, with lots of horse, er, that is, ferretpower.
Lots of dooks to everyone! (John Wayne, the Dook -- that's a cute name.)
I live in the Dook City.
                Linda, Espie Raisin-Eater, Frankie Pearly Whites, and
                Lucky Jumping Charm
[Posted in FML issue 1109]