I'll keep this short (the FML seems to get longer and longer every issue...)
Vanilla met Salem (the cat) again.  No throat slashing this time :) and
she even got to stay for a WHOLE WEEK!!!  My SO even offered to watch her
for two days while I was back up North!  However, I thought well enough
was good enough and took her with me...Good sign, wedding may be on!!
Awhile back, the FML saved her life (2x).  I called the local paper about
this b/c Vanilla needs her 15 minutes of fame and it was an interesting
human interest story.  Try to contact YOUR local paper and get a reporter
on the phone to explain this wonderful human/fuzzy interest story.
Boy!  Did I feel like jerk!  He must've hung up, shook his head, and had a
good laugh telling the rest of the department about the wacko who called
wanting a story about how the Internet saved her ferret's life. "What did
they do?"  Me: "Well, they gave me advice when the vet had no idea
I sounded like a real retard... Maybe I should have told him my ferret is
marrying a cat...? Thought you'd like that story...
Shelly & Vanilla in Morristown (and Clinton!), NJ
P.S.  I loved the bathtub story!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1109]