Hi all!
To the person who wrote claiming that ferrets everywhere will
be killed if someone reports a bite, I must say that I believe
this is not true! Someone had posted awhile back policies on
this in different areas. Most stsated that they would look
at the ferret's history (rabies shot, indoor pet, etc..)
and then decide. In NC, this does not matter! The ONLY
advantage to getting my totally indoor ferrets rabies vaccinated
would be so that a bitten person would be less likely to
bring up a case. My ferrets don't bite. Therefore, I don't
see a point in giving them the rabies vaccine. (I know some
people will get upset upom hearing this). They have distemper
& that's all they'll get. I think the vet was very honest with
me (she wasn't just out to get money) and Harold & Scooter
really liked her.
On a lighter note, Scooter has decided that he's going to
take over my recycling job! His recent project has been to
taks cans & bottles out of the recycling bin and into his hiding
place. This was cute to watch but then I just died when he
grabbed a gallon milk bottle & proceeded to drag it across the apartment!
Poor thing had so much trouble! Brian became upset when he saw
Scooter's uncompleted project all over the living room floor so
he put the bin in an (he thought) out-of-reach place. Scooter's
new project is to climb to the bin so he can start helping me
recycle again. Poor Brian, the kids always outsmart him!
Stacy, Brian, Harold, & Scooter
"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can
only do a little. Do what you can."
                                 -Sydney Smith
[Posted in FML issue 1109]