I would like to add my common cents, on the MD situation. This whole
thing is not dissimmilar to human Authorities in health. We assume
because they have letters after their names or work for the "goverment"
that they somehow know better. Not true and they continue with this
assumption because we let them. I have the right to own live stock there
fore I have the right to protect it even from the supposed "experts". If
I choose not to fight the issue my silence implies my consent to their
authority and knowledge, then I should not complain. We moan and groan
about the injustices around us, but we do not educate ourselves to the
true aspects of the law, we also assume the lawyers will do that. Also
not true, the lawyers will only tell you what they feel is approriate.
This is an area we should all be educated in so that we can defend our
rights and others when they come under attack. When we choose the lesser
evil or non-action course we over time signal our unspoken desire to
relinquish our rights and minds to the "goverment " sponsored experts.
No insult to you personally Dr. Williams.
  To those who stated that there is a Law on this or that in your state,
before you by this and spend x amount of dollars, ask to see the written
law that they are refering to. Many times they will say law when they
really mean policy. There is a big difference, so see the actual text and
verify it, if you don't and they tell this to everyone and everyone buys
it, then making it into law is without question, the evidence will be
everyones desire to comply even if it is under fraudulent practices
It seems to me we go to great length to educate others about ferrets, but
not very far to educate ourselves about our true rights and laws for our
own protection. I pray I have not offended anyone to harshly, I know that
no matter what one has to say someone will allow themselves to feel pain
as if it were directed at them personally, after all what we dislike most
in others is only that which we dislike most in ourselves.:-)
Happy Ferreting
Susan Meyers
[Posted in FML issue 1104]