Hello! Harold & Scooter had distemper vaccines today with NO
reactions. The vet said they'd probably be sleepy, YEH RIGHT!!!
I asked her about rabies vaccine. She said that it does not
matter here in NC because if there is a ferret-bite case, the ferret
WILL be quarentined &/or killed. Does not matter if the pet's
been vaccinated or not. She said rabies is rare in those ferrets
that do not go outside so the only reason to get the vaccine would
be to possibly ward of a case by assuring the bitee that the
fuzzy was vaccinated. I'm furious that NC has this policy!
It's scary to know what may happen to your pet. If I had known all
this before, I would have been MUCH more careful about letting
people play with them! My ferrets are the most loving creatures
and have gotten over the nibbling stage.
Question: The vet, I found her to be very fuzzy-knowledgable,
suggested I take them off of IAMS kitten food & move them to
IAMS cat food. She said the kitten food has too much calcium
& they're done growing so they don't need it anymore. Is
she correct? I believe I read here once that you could always
feed them the kitten food. They seem to be getting pretty big -
3 lbs. & 3.7 lbs. - should I ration their food? They're both
less than one year old.
Fetching: Harold doesn't play if I move one of his "treasures."
He gets MAD and pouts! He will run after it, but he WON'T talk
to be for awhile!
Skirts: My ferrets absolutely LOVE my long skirts and slacks
and sweaters and sweatshirts and jackets and.....
They try to climb in the bottom of my pants leg, up my
sleeves, ....  At least Harold doesn't chew holes in my
clothes like he did when he was a kit!
I think that's it - I wanted to say so much!
Stacy, Brian, Harold, & Scooter
[Posted in FML issue 1103]