Hi Guys,
I know its been a while since I've contributed anything to the FML, but
Fi-Fi and I read it every day, (sound of mouse crashing to floor
again!!). I have a couple of fun stories to tell tho' so I thought I
best get the old word processor fired up. Firstly we have a new ferret
toy, it is called a Looney Ball! It looks like a rubber land mine, about
four inches in diameter. It has two AA batteries in it, and when
switched on it bounces across the room and off anything it hits :)
Fi-Fi chases it around in a totally manic ferret manner, occasionally
she gets hold of it by one of the rubber "protrusions" and she starts
shaking and bouncing across the floor as if she is part of the ball!
She gets extremely pissed off that she can't drag it in behind the stove
where everything else from socks to breadcrusts end up!
The second story is her latest kill! now it wasn't a cow :) nor was it
a rabbit, but it was a very ugly, very large, very fast, turbocharged,
six leg-drive, mutant cockroach! Yep come summer time in perth we get some
beauties come up out of the caves or wherever they hide. They are so big
that I normally set bear traps for them! Anyway we have had a few days
over 100 deg. and that always brings them out of the wood work. Fi-Fi
spotted this leviathan insect in the kitchen and spent the next 30
seconds running it down on the kitchen floor, it was a bit like a
speedway race, a lot of wheelspin and opposite lock. She finally caught
it and dragged it off with great pride behind the stove :) She did let
it go a couple of times just so she could show Dad what an accomplished
hunter she is!
Hi to everyone on the FML, a big thanks to Bill Gruber, who does such
an excellent job on the FML, and also to Dr Williams, who looks after
the health interests of our carpet sharks so selflessly.
P.S. Dr Williams, if you have a moment could you please email me with
     an outline of the possible problems with the distemper vaccines,
     I have a friend who is a vet here and she does quite a lot of
     ferret work, she is very interested to recieve any info.
Regards,   Rick (have you seen my socks, dear?)
           Michelle (they were there a moment ago.)
           Tess (..one day, Fi-FI, when they're not looking....)
           Fi-Fi, Pest Exterminator, (I will kill that bloody looney ball,
                                      yes I will.)
[Posted in FML issue 1101]