Well, my eldest ferret Buddy has cataracts. The left eye is visibly
clouding over, and the vet says the right is showing initial signs as well
under close examination.
     I know most people say ferrets get along fine with poor to no eyesight,
but I just hate to think of my little boy going blind. Is there anything I
can do to slow the development of the cataracts? Any special diet or vitamin
supplements that may help? By the way, I'm not sure how old Bud is exactly,
but he was probably 1 to 3 years old when I adopted him coming up on 3 years
ago. I'm starting to worry that he may not be long for this world, having
had a few problems over the past year (first a kidney infection, then a bowel
infection, now this). On the other hand, he seems as strong, energetic, and
playful as ever, so maybe he's got a few good years left. I hope so; I'm
lucky to be able to say I haven't lost a fuzzy yet; Bud is my 'first-born'
as it were.
Anyway, enough babbling.
John Rosloot
Regina, Sask, Canada
Caregiver to:
Buddy (male, 2.5lbs, 4-6 years; a lovable little bumbler),
Cassidy (female, 2lbs, 2.5 years; my precious little angel)
and Sammy (male, 4lbs!, 9 months; the friendliest fuzzy I ever saw)
[Posted in FML issue 1100]