Hi - I've been a part of the FML for only a fw days now, and it's
been great.  Living in a FFZ makes it hard to get in contat with other
ferret owners
[Moderator's note: Since you're in a FFZ, I'm assuming you want this posted
anonymously and took the liberty of doing so.  If I was incorrect, I'm sorry...
but if you DO wish to remain anonymous, please be sure to send your future
posts to ferret-anon and not to ferret-list.  BIG]
        At the moment it is just me, Freya, and Snort(my cat).  Frey is a
sable and will be three next month.  From what I understand she is small -
just a pound if that.  She is healthy as far as I can tell, although she
hasn't been to a vet since she got her last babay shot.  I've ben treading
about how they should be vaccinated yearly - asm I doing her harm since she
hasn't been in for several years?  My vet said he would see her in an
emergency but he worries about losing his license. I can't say I blame him.
 If anybody knows how to get vaccinations for her in an FFZ could you
PLEASE let me know?
[Moderator's note: Please print out issue 1079 for your vet.  It discusses this
very issue and makes it quite clear that your vet will *NOT* be bothered by the
"authorities" for taking care of your ferret.  BIG]
        I've got another question: My boyfriend plays the bagpipes and
various other instruments.  When he starts to practice Freya goes crazy!
She makes this sort of hissing/blowing sound and starts running around.
She goes directly towards them.  She then trys sticking her head up the
pipes, and when that doesn't work she turns around, heads back to her cage,
and hides in her bed.  If you take her to another room she scratches at the
door unti you let her at the pipes.  She acts like she's dying and it makes
Caven fell so bad he won't play.  She used to do that with all of his
instruments including the guitar, but she got over that.  Now he just
doesn't play them around her anymore.
        Does it hurt her ears?  If it does then why does she go towards it?
 I'm so confused! Can anybody help me?
 Nicole, Snort, and Freya the stinky flexy pet
        What is really confusing to me is that she reacts the same way to
the practice chanter (the bagpipe chanter hurts my ears - I'm sure it hurts
hers!) and to acoustic guitars which are very quiet.  Pipe music on the
stereo doesn't even catch her attention. Hmmmm.
[Posted in FML issue 1099]