Well, I went home at lunch and there in the litter box lay a mongo size pile
of ferret mess.   I think it is safe to say the raisin has left the building.
It was still a little softer than normal, but other than that it looks fine.
So, i will rest easy once again, and thank you to all that posted me before
making it down this far in the FML. ...
[Moderator's note: I should clarify that. The FML only goes out as a once daily
digest.  But sometimes if a post comes in and it's obvious that a ferret's
health is involved AND TIME IS CRITICAL, I may answer it myself privately or
forward it to one of the fine DVM subscribers for a more timely response. BIG]
...As an entertaining side note, while
I was brushing my teeth after lunch, good oral hygiene is your friend, Rat
had climbed up on the side of the tub and was cruising around trying to find
a good place to jump, he decide the toilet seat would do.  Unfortuantly,
the lid was up and Rat took a swim, damn women I wish they would learn to put
the seat down.  Anyway after a quick dry and a hearty roll on the carpet all
was well and he was romping again.
BTW, is it common for ferrets to gulp down raisins and have this happen
or is my just too weird for his (and my) own good.
Thanks again,
[Posted in FML issue 1098]