Our club received a letter from a person in Germany who wants to buy a
ferret.  Can anyone supply me with the name of a breeder or (ugh) a pet
store that sells ferrets there?  (Sorry, I don't know which area she
lives in but I'm sure one reference could put her in touch with another.)
To Anonymous regarding Pet sitting:
I also lived in a FFZ (California) and owned 2 ferrets at the time.  We
were extremely paranoid about having our babies confiscated so we did not
share our "secret" with anyone for a long time.  We left them alone for 3
days without supervision and they were fine.  I would *never* do that again,
knowing what I know now about their mischevious nature. We eventually told
our pet sitter about the ferrets that we also kept in the bathroom and she
took good care of them.  I would recommend that you have someone drop in at
least once and preferably twice a day.
My husband and I were interviewed for KCBS in Southern California for a
show on "responsible pet ownership" in about 1991. We were refered to
the reporter (Conan Nolan) by the place where we boarded our bullmastiff
in the Ontario area. The focus of the show was what people should do with
their pets if they have to be away from home for a few days. The
crew came to our house and spent 3 hours interviewing us about pet
ownership and our planned trip to Mexico. They also met our other dog, 2
cats, and 2 tarantulas. After the interview had been concluded, we started
asking questions about "other animals" they might be interested in
filming.  Needless to say, we did show them the ferrets.  They filmed
them for several minutes and *swore* they would only use the film for a
piece on ferrets anonymously.  (I don't know if they ever used the footage
or not.) The next day, the film crew came back (after we had left)
and followed our pet sitter around the house as she did her chores.
I thought the whole idea of the piece was rather ironic considering we
were being featured as "responsible pet owners" and yet we were harboring
2 fugitives from the law (well, Fish and Game anyway.)
To Troy Lynn:
I've been trying to send you private e-mail but it keeps bouncing. I was
so sorry to hear about both Bonnie and Vixen.  I know your sadness and
pain. I grieve for you.
And I have a question for you.  How on earth do you manage to take care
of 40 ferrets *by yourself*? And you work too??? I spend about 3 hours a
day just dedicated to my 11 ferrets! I didn't know there was that many
hours in a day!
[Posted in FML issue 1092]