Hi gang!
Dave and I would like to extend our thanks for the wonderful messages we
received from you all on Ian's passing. It's really great to have such a
tight-knit community supporting you.
Well, we folks in DC finally had our first snow. Max, who's no longer a
baby at almost 9 months but try to tell him that, had much fun tunneling
through the white stuff. It didn't faze him at all. When I've taken the
others out, Ian always jumped at something cold on his feet, and Sidney
and Claudia made it quite clear that they had some Very Important Ferret
Missions To Accomplish. But Max thought it was great! Now he wants to go
out all the time.
BTW, for anyone going to the AFA show on Saturday, we'll be the big cage
with a chocolate mitt, a chocolate siamese and a black-eyed white. Come
on up and introduce yourselves!
Amy & Dave (and their gaggle of giggling ferrets)
[Posted in FML issue 1092]