Thought you all would like a quote from The Washington Post Sunday newspaper,
Feb. 5.  In an article about the big snowstorm we had here, this was
"In Frederick, MD the long-planned Ferret Expo went off as scheduled.  The
American Ferret Association, which is based in the city, expected 50 to 100
exhibitors from as far away as Texas and Minnesota and perhaps 400 ferrets.
Appropriately enough, the expo's main event is the crowning of a Snow King
and Snow Queen, a competition once restricted to albino ferrets but now open
to all.  "It's kind of like a Miss America competition for ferrets,"
explained Chrissy Cappelluti, vice president of the association, and it would
hardly be affected by the weather.
"Two years ago, we had a snowstorm and just plowed on through," she said.
Politicians proved equally hardy."
Then some quotes from political candidates. (not for King and Queen, but for
It was nice that among the positive things mentioned about this beautiful
snowstorm, that they included our little friends!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1097]