What kind of food does he eat?  Vanilla used to do that because a piece
of Meow Mix (I know...I know...Meow Mix lacks the proper nutrients but it
truly is the ONLY thing she'll eat) used to get lodged in the back of her
throat.  She'd have "seizures" and dig at her mouth.  Once, I actually
gave her the Heimlich manuveur (sp) by putting two fingers under her arms
and lifting her upward.  The piece of Meow Mix came flying out of her
mouth and she was fine.  The first time this happened was about three to
four years after I got her.  It hasn't happened in a while (over a
year).  Initially, I didn't even know she was choking!
Any chance that Mac might be having the same experience??
Good luck.
P.S.  I'd love to hear the elevator story...
[Posted in FML issue 1086]