I just wanted to share a taste test with all of you.  Last Friday I
received a bag of Totally Ferret I had ordered.  The same day I also
received a sample bag of Marshall Farms Ferret Food with an order
from Ferret Stuff.  I opened the sample bag of Marshall Farms food
and Merritt started to eat right away (you know how brand new food is
always better!).  Then I put out (side by side) both the Marshall
Farms food and the Totally Ferret food.  He ate the Totally Ferret
food first every time.  Not that there is anything scientific about
Merritt's eating habits by any means ... he's a very strange eater.
To Marilyn - thanks for posting the Rainbow Bridge last week.  I had
never seen it before, and after hearing so much about it, I was
grateful to have it to read.
To all who have lost their babies - my heart goes out to you.  I'm
not looking forward to the day I have to deal with those painful
emotions about Merritt.
My heart also goes out to the owner of the ferret in Maryland.  As
has been stated in other posts, a grave error was made.  Lets hope
soon all people will realize ferrets are domesticated pets too, and
will act accordingly.
A great week to you and all the fuzzies!
[Posted in FML issue 1091]