Most of us FFZ types have come to the conclusion that the Feds aren't
that interested in us.  The guy across town dealing drugs and the crook that
rifles through your car are higher on the priority list than the ferret
owner.  Let's hope so anyway.  Other than tipping a cow or two, what are the
little buggers going to do to someone else's property?  Steal their socks?
     The more publicity the better, IMHO.  I'll CC this to the CDFA; they're
in charge of the legalization battle.  In any case, anon is a thing of the
past for me.
     If you're curious about the CA legalization effort the address *again*
is "[log in to unmask]"  Apparently this will need some sifting, but to
us CA types it's worth the effort.  A pre Thanks to Mr. Dorn for his
investigatory meddling.  You're alright.
     Root for CA, and MA.  We've got some work to do.  And it might be fun.
[Posted in FML issue 1090]