Hi everybody,
This net stuff is pretty new to me so this is my 1st time to try posting.
So, if this doesn't work, someone please e-mail some tips!
Concern 1) My four-year old female ferret, Halley, has a small bump which
is scabbed over.  At times it gets irritated and bleeds a little.  Halley
fights my examinations so it must be pretty tender, even when it looks as
if it has healed up.  It has been recurrent since August of last year but
had attributed the irritation to biting by our other ferret when they got
into rough play. The second ferret died in October but the spot has
persisted. The vet who has examined her thinks it is a sebacious (?) cyst
from a gland & that it isn't a threat to her well being & that it is seen
is dogs frequently.   The vet is pretty new to working with ferrets (but
seems pretty knowledgable).  Nonetheless, I'm still concerned.
Concern 2) She also sounds slightly wheezy or as if her breathing is a little
labored sometimes-most often when she is awakening.  The vet reported the
her chest sounded clear & her heart normal.  Any insights?
Also, I would like to know if anyone has information about a ferret
breeder in Oklahoma (no, I don't know the locale) called "Quality".
 Cyndi (& Halley-who loves to be held & snuggled!)
[Posted in FML issue 1089]