To Kim Barnell:
        Yes, ferrets DO have prostate glands, however, they are
very small and are generally only noticeable in disease states.  I
have seen that in print also.  Your source is correct in that they do
not have a cecum (analogous to the appendiz in humans), or seminal vesicles.
        Conerning your ferret's blood-tinged vomit - I have not heard of
a temproary switch to cat food causing bloody vomit.  I would keep a closon your
 pet and look for other signs of disease at any rate.  With blood in the
vomitus (assuming it is fresh blood and not food coloring from the cat food,
I would be considering some form of foreign body or a gastric ulcer.
        For a few days, I would give you ferret one inch of Laxatone or
Petromalt twice daily, just to be on the safe side and keep a close
eye on it.
Bruce Williams ([log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask])
[Posted in FML issue 1065]