To Jessi, whose ferret is scared of new places:
        Two of mine are the same way.  I used to live near a riverfront, and I
took Shadow out (on a lead) to walk by the water and see the ducks.  I brought
a blanket to sit on, and a pretty long lead (so she could explore several feet
away from me).  She got one look at the ducks and spent the entire time hiding
underneath the blanket shivering.  Any time I tried to take her out in the
yard, she immediately tried to run back into the house.  Fezzik is also pretty
timid - he tail bushes and he tries to make a dash for the nearest hole.
Falstaff seems to like being outside though.  I think its a matter of the
individual ferrets' personality, and if they don't seem to like being outside,
I wouldn't push it on them.
[Posted in FML issue 1088]