Hi everyone!
Troy Lynn-
I am sorry to hear about Vixen. Our thoughts are with you. Your
dedication to ferret health and happiness is apparent in everything you
do. Vixen is in a good place.
Someone posted early this week, halfheartedly, that there was nothing
short of declawing ferrets to make them stop digging at carpet. I was
under the impression that declawing a ferret would cripple it. Is this
I am so sad about the MD ferret. I am confident that as a group we have a
significant impact. I think about the reaction when Good Morning America
may have considered spreading ferret misinformation. My husband called
Dr. John Neil today to express his dissatisfaction with the handling of
the situation and was told the Dr. was "in a meeting". Through our sheer
number we are a force to be reckoned with, if only to let people know the
facts. In case you missed it, Dr. John Neil's phone number is:
Charlotte and Kitka are so funny lately. I saw my first actual tail-wag
yesterday in the dryer tube. Kitka was running back and forth, through
one way, turn around, right back through, over & over. Every once in a
while she will stop in the middle and wait for me to roll the tubing
around on the floor. I picked up one end to peek inside at her and caught
a glimpse of her tail just wagging away! I seem to remember someone
mentioned clear dryer tubing some time ago. Can't find it here, but would
love to get some (sigh!). My husband is contemplating setting up a PVC
pipe maze soon. It should be a blast.
Dr. Williams-
Charlotte's heart seems to be much more readily felt through her chest
than Kitka's. Charlotte's sternum is more pronounced, and when she gets
excited it is hard to miss her thumping chest. Is this anything to be
concerned about?
One last thing...
Kitka has suddenly become a litter-box digger. It is a real pain because
there is litter on the floor EVERYWHERE just moments after we clean it
up. It started when I filled that particular litter box too full, but
right at the same time Charlotte started (finally!) to get the idea! She
has for the most part stopped going to the bathroon BESIDE the box and is
acually getting in! They each have chosen the same box for their new
tricks, so I hesitate to move it or make it disappear for a while. It has
taken time and diligence, but Charlotte is suddenly much better trained.
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Paula & Matt
Charlotte & Kitka
[Posted in FML issue 1087]