Dr. Williams,
The pathology report is back on my little girl, Tavvi.  Condrasarcoma (I hope
I spelled it right).  As I understand it, that is a malignant cancer.  The
vet and pathologist feel they got all of the tumor and cancer cells with the
2" amputation.  Tavvi has put on about 1.5oz since her surgery 5 days ago,
which is a good sign.  My vet is doing another blood work up in 3 weeks to
check the lymphosite count again (you may recall it was high at the time of
the surgery), and we should know more then.  The blood in the urine still has
an unknown cause....not the first for my vet (to have blood in a ferret's
urine with no apparent cause).  So ferrets occassionally have blood in their
urine for no reason? (lab cultures were negative on the urine).
I neglected to mention in my first post that she is almost 2 (next month) and
a MF ferret.  She has had athritis in her left elbow since 6 months of age,
an is suspected of an irregular heart rate, but I wonder about that now as
she has had 3 major surgeries in 3 months (2 within 48hrs for blockages....).
Thank you for your help.
Oh, Dr. Gondolfi says the slide of the tumor is on it's way.
[Posted in FML issue 1086]