To anyone interested:
   I have info on a ferret book and stuffed animal. The book is "Wild and
Free: the story of a Black-footed ferret" by Jo-Ellen Bosson, also available
on cassette (#B1690 [$11.95] and #BC1690 [$16.95] respectively) and the
stuffed animal is, with book and cassette #PBC1690 [$39.95] or #P1690 [24.95]
alone. These are available from SOUNDPRINTS (part of the Smithsonian Inst.)
 165 Water St, P.O.Box 679, Norwalk, CT 06856 or 1-800-228-7839
>>>>>>> This is not a commercial endorsement, just FYI <<<<<<<
Also, HELP... I added to my roomate her brother a 2 1/2 mo. male. I am having
trouble discerning between sibling rivalry and pure fighting. The female is
_much_ smaller, but seems to give as good as she gets and also tends to
initiate a lot of fights, but her brother is bigger and I am afraid that he
will hurt her... No bleeding or screaming so far just a lot of hissing and
ear chewing. And I thought that one ferret was a handful!! I think that
they're going thru their "terrible twos" a little early... I've tried the
nose, bitter apple, isolation, & squirt gun to prevent no-no behavior
(hard-bites, etc) with very little success -any other suggestions ??
Also, I recall earlier postings about vege-ferrets. My two love little, sweet
carrots and will become violent over them. I've changed their diet from
Science D. to Iams and they seem to be eating less, but gaining more. They
don't like raisins or bananas  but love those carrots. Another question
(sorry this is so long) - I am bathing them with Mane & Tail horse shampoo
(okay for human use too) and they seem to have really moist coats without dry
skin problems (no scratching or flakes). Has anyone else tried this ?
Thanks again,
David Childress                   Mikos (Miko)    &      Nikolas(Niko)
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[Posted in FML issue 1086]