> From:    Pam Grant and STAR* Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Cage Building and show schedule
        Pam, do you or anyone else either on this list or not have a
schedule nationwide for ferret shows in 1995?
> Date:    Tue, 24 Jan 1995 14:52:03 -0500
> From:    Tammy Snapp <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: MD ferret, and misc.
> I heard distressing news on the radio this morning. The ferret in
> Washington County, MD has been ordered to be killed to be tested for
> rabies.
> I don't take my ferrets around people I don't know or small children,
> especially when they were kits. I want to share them with others but only
> when I'm positive the people understand ferrets.
> Tammy and company :)  Jake, Ozzy, Zak, Randy, Samantha, and Sunshine
        I'm every saddend over this senseless killing, although not
surprised.  I've seen it done far to many times.  The problem is an
old one and very hard to change.  As Dick said in a later post the
Health department are the experts as far as most judges think.
        You have to be carefull when letting people you don't know and
even some you do, touch your babies.  When I introduce my ferrets to
people I only let them pet the back half, with head facing me not them.
I do this even with Mako who wouldn't bite even if you were standing on
his foot, tail, ect...
        I will never understand how a dog can rip some one up so badly
that they are scared for life or even die and not get the death
penalty.  Yet a ferret puts a pin hole in a finger and is sentance
to death. :(  Almost sounds like the christians and the roman's. Hell
the backwards thinking is almost the same, just thousands of years out
of date.
        I hope Jake is okay.  I don't know what to say about your vet,
do what's best for Jake and you are.  I'm very lucky I have a very
good vet, pluss she's not afraid to ask for help if needed.  Take care
all.  All the ferrets, past and present, will be in my prayers tonight.
[Posted in FML issue 1086]