Jim and Nibbles:  Fear not, Nibbles' little toes are just fine.  You did hear
right -- if you cut into the pink part, you'll likely nick the vein that's in
the nail and you'll get bleeding (having ready a little `quick-stop',
available in most pet stores, helps immensely to have around just in case).
However, the nerve that's in the nail extends just a little bit beyond the
tip of the vein, and quite often you'll nick that before you'll get the vein.
 It smarts, but only temporarily and you'll get no bleeding, nor do you need
to worry you've done any real damage, accept that in these formative months
it's important to make the experience as pleasant as possible until she gets
used to it.  Some ferrets just don't fall for the linatone thing no matter
how pleasant it is (I find laxatone is better -- it's stickier and takes more
concentration to get off the fur, and seems to be even yummier :) ).  My 2
year old, Trella, for instance, is sometimes a two person job even with
Laura L'Heureux Kupkee
U. of Illinois Vet Med Class of `96
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[Posted in FML issue 1085]