Subject: Ferret Noises
My ferret (female - 4 months old) is fairly quiet. When she gets real
excited, sometimes makes a little squeak/dook-dook sound. However,
soon after we got her, before I got the bedding I use now, I had just
gotten a cage and was going to put newspapers in it. She was in the
cage. I was unfolding and crinkling the paper and proceeded to stuff
it into the cage. Apparently from her viewpoint, she saw a loud mass
of shaking, scary paper coming at her and her trapped in the cage. She
reared up on her hind legs and gave a kind of high-pitched Ark! Ark!
sound. Never heard it since. Matter of fact, now we play by rattling
paper and she wags her tail, gets down and then runs and jump/attacks
At the time, it really startled me (that "bark" and thinking I had
scared the little baby like that!)  Immediately, I gently picked her
up and held her. She didn't bite me or anything. No permanent
psychological scars, I guess. <g>
Afterward, it struck me as funny. This tiny baby ferret bravely
standing up to the paper-monster. I guess I know that if I ever hear
that sound again, it's something to immediately check out!
Another noise story. Last night I was watching TV, thought she was
asleep. I heard this little high-pitched "Wheee!", went up in pitch
at the end. After a moment of wonder since I had never heard that kind
of sound from her, I realized she must have gotten some gas from that
tiny piece of Pizza Hut we shared earlier that evening. BTW, she *was*
asleep. Made it even more humorous. <g>
                            Jon Hagee
                            Lexington, KY
                            KY Explorer BBS
[Posted in FML issue 1084]