This is my first post to this mailing list... I've been lurking for a few
days now. Anyway, I thought I'd suggest yet another nipping solution. Bitter
Apple. The stuff tastes *nasty* (yes, I've tasted it). When my babies were
in their nipping stage and breaking that habit was crucial, I just spritzed
a little Bitter Apple on my fingers and toes. Once they bit down, I scolded
them verbally and let their taste buds do the rest. It was actually quite an
amusing sight. They drawback is, they can't LICK your fingers and toes
either, but I usually did the spritzing when they were being more playful
than cuddly. Now that they're older, the old-fashioned 'wap' is used on the
rare occassion they get out of line. Good luck!
Applejuice (the beauty)
Max.3 (the brains)
Beckett (the brawn)
[Posted in FML issue 1083]