I was going to write to Dr. Williams directly but felt that this may be of
interest to others so I've decided to post on the FML.
First, I'd like to thank Dr. Williams and the FML moderator.  I have
recently been printing up all of the medical information on the fml for
several veterinarians here in British Columbia, Canada.  In each case, the
vet has been very appreciative of the information and in Dr. Brondwin's
case, he is so interested in this information,  he is currently taking
steps to join the FML himself.
I run the Ferrets & Friends Club and Rescue (F.F.C.R.) and I am trying to
provide veterinarians in my area with the information available on the fml.
Through Dr. William's and other vet's hard work I am able to keep our local
vets up to date on the latest medical information on ferrets.  Thanks go to
the FML moderator and FML vets.  I hope you realize just how much you are
helping ferret owners, medical professionals and shelter operators, like
myself!  Your hard work is invaluable.
I have a questions for Dr. Williams.
Our ferret Oliver has always had a "rolling gate" and I was concerned
recently when I noticed that he seemed to limp at times. This limp was only
noticeable when he walked...during the act of running or jumping he did not
display a limp at all.  It seems his limp became more prominent after
sleeping, hard playing and wrestling with his brother.  I took Olly in on
Wednesday and Dr. Huff X-rayed his shoulder as this was where the problem
seemed to be originating.  Sure enough, we found that Oliver has an old
injury...his arm is slightly out of it's socket and has healed this way.  I
feel this injury must have occured when he was a kit.  (He came to us as a
rescue at four months of age and has always "walked funny")  Oliver is now
approximately 10 months old.
Dr, Huff informed me that the joint must be popped back into place within
24 to 48 hours after it has been dislocated.  He told me that there was no
way to correct the injury now and did not recommend surgery.  He did
mention that they could go in, clean the joint of scar tissue, file it and
then put it back into place.  However Oliver's muscles have atrophied and
shortened and he would need serious physiotherapy after such a surgery
,hence, Dr. Huff does not recommend this course of action.  Dr Huff told me
that Oliver is not in a lot of pain now and that he will adjust his walk to
take pressure off of his left front arm.  He also told me that if Oliver
becomes very sore he will simply not use the arm and will do fine on three
legs.  As a last resort Dr, Huff mentioned that if the pain became
unmanageable, he could amputate the joint.
I'm confused and upset about Oliver.  Is he in pain?  He plays with as much
"gusto" as the rest of his brothers.  He runs, jumps, rolls and wrestles.
However,  he also limps when he walks and when I pick him up I can
occasionally feel him pull away as if I have hurt him.  I live with pain
constantly and I except it but I wonder about how Oliver feels.  Is there
nothing I can do to help him?  Should I ask Dr. Huff to do the surgery
despite the fact that he does not recommend it?  Since Oliver goes with me
everywhere should I continue to take him out with me or an I causing him
more pain by doing so?  I don't want to treat Olly with "kid gloves"
anymore than I want to be treated so but I'm terrified of hurting him! Dr.
Huff does not recommend pain killers...why not?  Oliver is only 10 months
old, will this injury cause him even more pain as he gets older?  I am so
lost with this problem and I don't know what to do. (Meanwhile, Oliver's
running around like he hasn't a care in the world..little brat!)   Anyway,
I have gone on long enough.  I would appreciate any information as to how
to hold Oliver without hurting him,  pain management, your opinions on
surgery... should I amputate?  Future prognosis?  Any and all information
you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
If you prefer, please feel free to  e-mail me directly at
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With much thanks,
Tracey-Lee Rein and Oliver
Ferrets & Friends Club and Rescue,
B.C. Canada
[Posted in FML issue 1083]