Karen & Sam
-There seems to be a lot of variation on how often people bathe their
ferrets, from once a week to once a year, how much is too much?
*  It depends on the ferret, the living conditions, and the diet.  To be
on the safe side, I would not bathe a ferret more than everyother week, but
once a month is the norm.  I only bathe my ferrets when they are going out or
got into something really dirty!
-Is their any way I can get Sam to sleep through the night, or will this
come in time?  I don't mind him banging around at 4 a.m. but my roommate
feels otherwise.
*  It takes time for a ferret to adjust it's schedule to the person's
lifestyle, but ferrets sleep on and off 16 hours a day (like cats) and eat
every three to four hours, so Sam will never really sleep throught the night,
he just may become more behaved about it!
-Sam is confined to my bedroom only [...]  Any ingenious ways to prevent
carpet digging?
*  Get a scrap piece of vynal flooring from a flooring shop, cut it into
an enlonged H shape, where it goes 1-2 feet into your room but also extends
intot he hall.  cut out the part for the door frame to anchor it in place,
and it is ready to protect your carpet and clean up corner accidents.
     * Pam Grant, STAR* Ferrets
For more info on *Shelters That Adopt & Rescue Ferrets,
and to receive a listing of ferret shelters, contacts,
vets, supplies, clubs, etc. in your state,
send a LONG self addressed stamped envelope to:
STAR* Ferrets
PO Box 1714
Springfield, VA 22151-0714
This is NOT just for shelters only!
Information helps all ferrets and owners.
If interested, please post to me a private message
and I will give you more information about the cost.
Membership is very reasonable for 1 year and includes
a quarterly newsletter,
the book _FERRET CARE and RESCUE_,
and forms for caring for ferrets.
Pam Grant, Director
[Posted in FML issue 1083]