Hello everyone!
I'm new to the newsletter and just want to say that I've found
the information VERY useful. I've been holding Harold by
the scruff of the neck when he bites. When I let him down, he
jumps around ready to play. I'll see if it works though.
I have a couple of points to make.
1) Harold WILL NOT wear a collar. In the FAQ, it said that
ferrets should wear them. His neck's bigger than his head,
he always pulls it off!!! A harness seems too uncomfortable.
2) I've found the best way to bathe the critters is to
take them in the shower with you. Harold takes to showers
with me MUCH better than baths. He lays calmly on my shoulder.
He's not exactly happy about it but he's good.
3) Harold LOVES to go on walks on a leash. He loves
meeting new people and I meet alot of people when he's
with me! People come up and ask, "What's that? A rat?"
They always fall in love with him. I just can't let him
burrow into pineneedles or he'll disappear!
4) All of my friends and family that have met Harold
want one now (except my Dad).
5) Hopefully I'll here from Chris or Pam STAR* and get
a friend for Harold.
6) Why are all these organizations arguing? I am new so
I don't know what all is going on but I think if they all
have the same goal - happy, safe ferrets - working together
will get much more accomplished. I can't believe I've found
politics with ferrets!!!! Who cares about credit as long as the goal
is obtained.
Keep writng everyone I love reading your stories.
What's going on with the Maryland ferret? I'm sorry about
the ferret with cancer (Vixen?). The story was truly wonderful.
Although it made me sad, I was very touched.
To the person whose baby climbed on the bucket to drink
but fell in  --- great story!!!
Bye all,   Stacy & Harold
[Posted in FML issue 1083]