here's a funny story you all might enjoy.
My cat Tashe (long haired) controls my wolf. Should be the other way around,
right? Maybe because I threaten to murder him (just kidding - I don't even
slap him with paper but he believes me anyway). Well, my cat lives outside
and in my storage shed at night and only occasionally wants inside my home.
Since he met Stinkey (my fuzzy), it's even more rare! Tashe was taking a much
needed nap on my lap while I tried to play on this computer when my husband
decided to let Stinkey out of her cage. She was trying to tear the door off
and my husband couldn't hear the football game over the noise! Oh darn! The
first thing Stinkey did was run up and bite Tashe's foot! Then she dated away
on her exploration trip around our home to see if anything changed.
Naturally, Tashe wanted back outside right away where he felt safer. It took
us several tries to get them to stay together in the same room but now since
Tashe is such a scardy cat (which is fine with Stinkey).......he's no fun to
play with anymore so would you believe Stinkey now just ignores him? Now when
Tashe comes in for a visit, the first thing he does is make sure Stinkey's
cage door is closed! If it's open he'll immediately jump on top of my
computer (Stinkey isn't allowed up there).
For Shelly and Vanilla........
Hopefully your boyfriend will give Vanilla a few more supervised chances. It
takes time and maybe the cat needs to have a high place to stay too. It works
for mine. Good luck and keep us all posted.
[Posted in FML issue 1079]