I've checked out most of the ferret web pages myself - and they are
great!!! If there is anybody out there who hasn't seen them yet - you won't
believe them! Get to it!
As a project for school, I've been thinking of setting up a page for my
department - I could use the advice of from some of you who have already
done it. Please email me with some suggestions about getting started!
I was interested by yesterday's post about California - is there any thing
(other than financial contributions to organizations - I'm dirt poor!) that
nonresidents can do to help?
I also need help naming one of our latest arrivals - he's a chubby
chocolate mitt - with beautiful white chest, and both brown and steel
colored guard hairs. He was formally abused, so we're still trying to coax
personality traits from fearful responses - we've been kicking around Shmoo
(he's a little lazy) & Shamoo (like the whale, because he looks rather like
a big seal). Any suggestions from the peanut gallery? We've had him 3 weeks
now, and I'm afraid he's going to start believing his name is Buddy, or Big
[Posted in FML issue 1079]