To Tim Kesterson
        We too have 3 avid gardeners. We have tried a number of things
to keep them out of the plants. The only efforts that worked are:
a) put the plants up out of reach, but be careful there is not some
convoluted path from the sofa, to the book case to the drapes to
the plant.
b) put cages around the base of the plants. We use the same 1x1 inch
welded wire fabric we make our cages from. It looks a bit tacky, but
the only other alternative would be to not have large floor plants.
(We have 40 plants, 8 are large and on the floor.)
        Since ferrets seem to still have their tunnelling instincts,
it is not the plant but the digging that they are after. You might try
covering the soil with very coarse landscaping stones which may not
be as much fun to dig. We have not tried this so we don't know if
it will work.
        Speaking of making cages, we have just finished our latest
creation. It is 3x4 feet x 3 feet high, has a loft sleeping area
accessed by a ramp. We have enough room to put a small cat castle
(those cardboard tubes covered with carpet), Smokey's favorite sleeping
basket, and a hammock inside. We also put in a door large enough for
us to crawl inside to clean and re-carpet the floors when necessary.
        This is our third generation of cage modification/construction.
The fuzies seem to like it (when they are a sleep or otherwise can't
be out with us).
        Ping, our latest addition, is back from her trip to the vet
for check up, shots, and spay/descent. As soon as she has had time to
heal we will start introducing her to the other three. For those of
you out there who are having difficulties with introductions, this
is our fourth such trial. Some times it is easy, some times hard.
With Ping, there are all the signs (from the others) that it is going
to be hard. We will keep you posted.
Anthony A. (Private Dining)
        Our fuzies have eaten the same way as long as we have had
them. Some times they take a few steps away from the dish. Some times
they dash madly away, dodging dogs, cats and people on their way to
God knows where to eat their latest booty. It is cute, but can lead
to several weeks worth of supplies ferreted away around the house.
        I know I ramble a bit, and replied to things in several
issues. We had a well failure :-( at our house this weekend, I could
only find a few moments here and there to keep up to date. Working
fine again! :-)
Margaret, Richard
Smokey, Pixie, Boots and Ping.
[Posted in FML issue 1078]