Hi Vincent,
  Sorry to post such a late reply to your request, but I can't keep up with
the high volume of the FML lately (sometimes work has to take priority :-().
I had the same problem as you with getting my wife to consider a ferret
as a pet when I became interested in ferrets a few years ago (note: I still
don't have one, either, but that's because my apartment complex wants to
charge me exorbitant fees to keep one and not because my wife is opposed to
having one).  My secret: wear her down.  Tell her every day about the latest
funny ferret stories you read in the FML, about the latest anecdotes about
how wonderful ferrets are as companion pets in the FML, about all the great
people in the FML, about all the evidence which proves the bad rumors about
ferrets are untrue.  Tell her all the new and interesting facts you've
learned in your reading about ferrets.  Check out a ferret video from your
library -- many times.  Take her to a ferret expo as soon as possible.  Let
her hold some ferrets and talk to other owners about them.  Stop by every
pet store you see to check for ferrets and ferret supplies.  Stop by every
bookstore you see to check for books about ferrets.  Stop by every toy store
you see to check for stuffed toy ferrets.  Babysit some ferrets if you get
the opportunity: this is probably the best tactic of all, but it could be a
big success or big disaster.  If she wants to know why you have to babysit
ferrets tell her you want to see if you are allergic to them and you can
only find that out by being around them for a long time, say, two weeks.
Let her see how irresistably cute and funny ferrets can be (you can also let
the ferrets run around your home and get a fast, free, thorough consultation
on what parts and places of your home will need ferret-proofing).  Take lots
of pictures, and then look at them often and reminisce.  Sigh  wistfully
occasionally, or frequently, and when she asks what you're thinking, say
"nothing" a few times, and then admit you're thinking about ferrets.  All of
this may take a year or two, but be persistent.  Eventually she will be won
over to the true path of ferretness, or at least come to realize that your
life will be incomplete without ferrets in it and that you probably won't be
able to go on without having one (only mention one -- you can add more later
when she's won over).  It worked for me.  Best of luck!
Kirk Pearson
Denver, CO
"Time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug." -- Jon Lithgow
[Posted in FML issue 1077]