I told myself I wouldn't reply to rec.ferrets, but I'm a
HYPOCRITE. :)  I like the idea.  It will never take the place of
FML, nor would I want every thing I say on the FML to be posted
on a rec. news group with out my okay.  I don't think this would
happen anyway.  I don't like rec.??? groups all that much because,
of some politcal views and flame wars.  Although it seems we have
been doing just that lately.  Not on a wide scale but still we are.
        On a different note.  My ferret Mako after two years of force
feeding him a mixture of CatLax and linatone/ferretone has finaly
realized this stuff don't taste bad and I can finaly give it to him as
a treat instead of the dreaded medicine he thought it was. :)  I guess
ferrets are more like humans afterall.  Their taste gets better as they
get older. :)
        Hope you all have a good week.
        Brad, Sebastain, Mako, and Bambie.
[Posted in FML issue 1077]