In the 13/14 Jan 1995 issue, Laura L'Heureux Kupkee wrote:
[A lot about Marshall Farms and other related topics, but this is
what hit home.......jcj]
[Moderator's note: This post shortened as well... sorry.  BIG]
>  A person who buys a ferret from a breeder is *told* about these things.  But
> we all know that the average pet store worker is *sadly* uneducated about
> ferrets and very little knowledge gets passed on to the patron.  Marshall
> Farms is not going to go out of business, boycott or no.  I submit that if
> they discontinued their current practice, we would have far more sick and
> mistreated ferrets than we already do.  And none of us wants that.
Agreed, 100%!
>         I have always been one of the few firm believers on this list that
> Marshall Farms gets a very unfair bum wrap is also clear that MF
> breeds for pet temperment.
This is true; I've never met a MF ferret I didn't like.  In defense of
the good breeders out there as well, I will say that a lot of them make an
effort to breed for temperment as opposed to whatever the trendy color
is this year.
Laura, you may have felt your post was long, but it said exactly what I was
thinking but was not eloquent enough to say.  Thanks!
Jeff Jones                      [log in to unmask]               Me?  I don't speak
eon corporation         (703) 715-8958                    for eon, now, do I?
1941 Roland Clarke Place, Reston, VA 22091
[Posted in FML issue 1077]