Whew!  This issue is huge, and I've edited out several hundred lines, some
of which, like stuff from the CDFA, I may post in upcoming issues.  But most
of the editing was for things like duplicate signatures and excessively long
quoting of material from previous issues.
Since we're talking about being brief, I think the Marshall Farms, rec.pets,
and AFA discussions have run their course.  Unless you have something truely
unique to add to these discussions, please try not to post.  I would still be
interested in hearing your opinions about the rec.pets issue, but suggest you
consider sending them to me privately (at [log in to unmask]).
Should any of the topics escalate to a flame war be forewarned that I'll edit
them ALL out.  In that case I'll save the deleted postings in a file that can
be requested so if you care to continue the war in private you won't lose your
ammunition.  (Insert a half smiley here.)
Thanks for your cooperation.  Now for today's furry talk.
[Posted in FML issue 1077]