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     Jim and Nikki and any other Californians,
     If you are looking for a vet and are unsure about where to go, the
     CDFA has given me references in the past. If you give them your area,
     they can give you local references. Their number is 707-431-2277 or
     email [log in to unmask]
     Another tactic is just to call local vets and bluntly ask. I did this
     at a vet near me recently and after explaining my interest in ferrets
     was taken into the back where two were boarding!!
     Or if you are in the Sacramento area, I now know of a vet who will
     care for them. I am not sure about how extensive the experience is but
     they have been great with my other animals!
     Deb See
[Posted in FML issue 1063]