To Cindy Sooy whose ferret has a big spleen:
        Cindy - massive splenomegaly is usually the result of chronic
smouldering inflammatory disease - we know that ferrets commonly have gastric
Helicobacter infections that will cause this change.
        If your ferret has no other signs of disease other than the large
spleen, removal is an option.  Removal of an enlarged spleen often results in
increased activity, appetite, etc., as the big spleen tends to squeeze ofhter
organs away from their normal place in the body.  Imagine if you had a 40 lb.
spleen - you'd probably reel a little sluggish also.
        If your ferret is going to be under the knife for another reason next
week, I'd talk with your vet about the possiblitiry of a simultaneous
       Bruce Williams, DVM                 Department of Veterinary Pathology
       [log in to unmask]         Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
       (202) 782-2600/2602                 Washington, D.C.  20306-6000
[Posted in FML issue 1073]