> Date:    Tue, 10 Jan 1995 10:25:22 EST
> From:    [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Bathing the beasts
> Can anyone offer some suggestions on bathing the beasts?
I have one ferret that is not to fond of the water either.
When I bath her, I do it in a tub using one of those messaging shower
wands.  I do not fill the tub at all, just use the wand when I need
water.  In that way, the ferret is being held by me while the water is
splashing nearby, but she's not being hit by it.  It seems to make her
feel better when I go to rinsing her down if I lean over the tub and
hold her face close to mine (nose to nose).  I guess she thinks that I'm
right in there with her.
When she starts to squirm when I'm lathering her up, I just put her up
to my face and talk to her gently.
It also helps to have just cut the ferrets nails so that they can't do
too much damage if they do get out of hand.
I give her a treat after her blow dry. :-)
        aka "Bathe de Ferret"
[Posted in FML issue 1072]