Hi, everyone!!
This is to Jim and Nibbles,
        I think our ferrets must be related.  I have been having exactly
the same problems with Walter as you have been having with Nibbles.
Your last article had me laughing somewhat hysterically. Walter (4 mos.)
only nips when he wants to play, too ...which is ALL the time!!!  He
understands NO and Sh**!(which I usually shout before I think of "NO"
when he sinks his dagger-like teeth into my earlobe).  I am hoping that
as he ages he mellows a little????.  I have found that punishing him
only makes him more hyper, like he thinks I'm playing.
        Walter is really good about using the litter pan
when he is in his cage, but when he's loose its another story.  He has
several specific areas where he likes to relieve himself (the corner of
the living room and right in front of the refridgerator).  I put litter
pans there for him (after scouring the area with bleach), but he will now
MOVE the litter pans and proceed to poop right on the floor where the
litter box had been placed.  OR he just poops next to the litter box, OR
he finds someplace else entirely.  I know someday I am going to be
moving furniture and I am going to come across a mother lode of ferret
poop.  I'm at a loss as to what to do about it.
Also, Jim, in regards to Scooter's gagging--  Walter does this, too.
every now and then he lets out this tremendous coughing sound.  Let me
know if you find out anything about this.  I just figured it was normal.
Kimberly Arnell and Walter Puppachoo
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[Posted in FML issue 1071]