John & Anna,
I thought my ferret, Wilma, was unique on using
the chairlegs when peeing. What I did to reduse
this behavior was  to put a box on her paper( she
does not like any litter) so that she could stand up,
which I noticed she really prefers. This never have
happened to my other ferret, Tod, must be a specific
female behavior.
It's been four months no since I bought the new kid, Tod,
in the beginning I wrote to the FML and asked for advice
when getting your second ferret, especially considering
that Wilma been 'the only one' for four years. Well it
took  a long time, about 3 1/2 months. Now they sometimes
sleeps together( love the sight) and especially Tod really
loves Wilma, he drops everything when she comes around to
just follow her around like a shadow. when they started to
play together Wilma had( still have) this loud screeming noise
and I run in to see what's going on I cold only see this smiling
Wilma jumping right back on Tod while still screeming
( they aren't very ruff on eachother) now I think that Wilma
forgotten how a playing ferret should sound or I've got wrong
info of ferret sounds
At last there is one remaining problem: Food, ever since Wilma
recovered from diahearra she refused to eat Iams( maybe because
she was force feed with a kind of Iams mixture ?) I tried a couple
of other well recommended stuff, but the only thing she goes for
is the what I call cat-snacks( breekies). Not good cause she needs
to put on more weight, her fur still looks a little bit shaggy. The
second problem is that since I now always have food available
for her, ofcourse Tod eats a lot of that and he is growing to much
( I really dont wnat to seperate them just when I got them together)
Any suggestions ?
Helen, Wilma & Tod
[Posted in FML issue 1063]