Hi! This is in response to kim, mike and Squirt & Pippi's posting about the
mink siting (and rescuing as it turned out!) in Digest 3-5 Jan. 95.
I too grew up in the country and had never seen a mink in the wild (though
my Father and several other farmers in the area were breeders). Last
summer, Peter and I were returning home from class at the University. We
lived in Ottawa close to the River, where it's not unusual to see many
types of waterfowl (swans, geese, ducks) and perching birds...but mink?!!!
Peter was the first to see them. "What's that?" (we were ontop of the Bank
Street bridge at Billings if anyone is familiar with the area) Low and
behold, there were two gorgeous dark cinnamon mink swimming in the water.
It seems they'd made a home out of the side of the riverbank, and were
diving for crawfish. Their quick and silver slick fur sparkled in the
sunlight as they slithered elegantly through the water to the bottom floor.
Once a crawfish was caught, they'd swim to a nearby rock, dinner cropped in
their mouths poking out beside whiskers, to lay in the warmth of the sun on
their backs, munching happily cajun style. I was curious if they'd be
familiar with the sounds of ferrets, so I imitated some "tk, tk," noises,
and sure enough, they looked up towards the noise, ears rounded and close.
I was amazed but not surprised. They are kissing cousins, aren't they?!!!
From the dook-dook crew,
Gloria & Pete (peoples), Sable & Whitey (furets), and Tipper the Manx.
[Posted in FML issue 1071]