Hi everyone.  I've been reading all this information on different foods
with great interest.  I've got one question that will solve my problem.
Right now our 3 babies are on a mixture of Science Diet and 2 other
"Ferret Food Diet" mixtures from the local Pet Distributor.  We started
them out on the one Ferret Food mixture (brown, semi-crunchy, pellet
shaped) that we got at the store where we purchased them.  They ate it,
but I didn't see too much enthusiasm.  One day I went into the store to
pick up some more and they were out.  So I picked up the other bag of
Ferret Food (tan, round, flat crunchy pieces) and they went wild for
that - I don't know so much as for the taste but for the crunchiness (if
that's a word).  I recently bought a small trial size bag of the Science
Diet Kitten Food (small brown, pellet shaped).  They didn't care too
much for that either.  All three are mixed together and they pick
through for the crunchy ones.
Not that I'm looking to switch completely right now, but I'd just like
to hear some suggestions on what brands that have been discussed lately
fit this discription of their favorite food.  I don't think that Science
Diet will do.  They just picked right over that.  That way if I ever
need to pick another brand to mix in, I won't be in for a surprise when
I open the bag to find semi-crunchy pellets or something similar.
I know it's probably a little on the strange side, everyone else has
been discussing nutritional value while I'm asking for crunchiness and
shape...but if any of you that have experimented with these other foods
discussed, I'd appreciate a brief breakdown of what the contents LOOK
like inside the bag!  I thank you and naturally my kids will thank you
that they don't have to sift through the soft pellets!
Thanks everyone!
Mish, Kenny, Pepper, Salt & Snowball
[Posted in FML issue 1071]