  Today I had to have my first ferret (Guy) put to sleep.  The
past month was very tough for him.  His back leggs just refused
to work ..and he refused to eat the past few days.  Yesterday, he
really couldn't move much.  He tried real hard to move around , I
felt so sorry for him. The vet gave him an injection in the liver,
he said the heart is very small and hard to find sometimes.  It
took only a couple of minutes.  It was very peaceful ..he did not
give any indication that he was in any pain. This was not an easy
thing to do [very sad]. I do not know how you who run shelters deal
with it on such a large number of ferrets. Also, I did not know that
they go unconcious with their eyes open!
  Dr. Williams, have you any experience with a drug called Azium?
Apparently it can be used in place of Prednisoline for Insulinoma.
Re: Rec.Ferrets  - Naw ...One time there was a Rec.reject who posted
here on the FML was a typical scene ..he posted in guise and the
only purpose was to piss the FML community off.
Pam: Thanks for your efforts in the FAQ and the WWW!!
=> Art The Human
   Kain The Terror ( Who is not so much a terror anymore!)
All Cows Eat Grass
[Posted in FML issue 1070]