Hello, some of you may remember me from around a year ago.  When I was
last receiving the FML, I had my ferret Feasel.  I still do, but let me
update you on the new happenings, and questions...
Feasel was sick once since I've had her.  She vomitted about 3-5 times
within 5 minutes.  After that, she was and is fine.  She will be two
years old the 1st week of April.
On thanksgiving of '94, my wife and I purchased our second ferret,
Noah.  She is a dark sable, and an ABSOLUTE TERROR!!  I do not know
what to do with her!  I'm about ready to give her away!!!!!  When we
first got her home, she and Feas had the "dominant/submissive" pull.
Of course, Noah being just a baby lost, so Feasel is now "The queen
Feas".  But now the baby is bad 99% of the time.  Here's the things she
does, and we can't control her:
1) She eats litter, and vomits it back up.
2) She pulls the litter pan around that cage, and removes the litter
   onto the floor.
3) She hogs all the food, and pushes Feasel out of the way.
4) When Feasel is sleeping, Noah climbs into the hammock with her, and
   bites/pulls on her ear until Feasel "screams" and leaves the
   hammock.  (I've checked Feasel's ear, it's always the same one, and
   have found scabs on it.)  Feasel is so tired, she's falling asleep
   standing up!
5) Flicks to the nose, bitter apple, spankings, and "NO"s have no
   effect on her.  She shakes it off, and does it again.  We punish her
   by putting her in a "Pet Taxi" but she doesn't care.
Also, today, she kept stealing the dog's food.  When I grabbed her, she
hissed at me.  Later on, when she tried to get my wife's plate of food,
I grabbed her and held her in my hand so she could not move.  When I
let her go, she went "clucking" away as happy as can be...
I don't understand it.  I'm not going to let her keep torchering my
other ferret.  Feasel and the dog play fine, Noah and the dog.. no way.
Noah now tolerates the dog, but when she gets the chance, latches onto
the dog and practically hangs there.  I need help before I remove this
ferret from my house.
                                    Christian Miller
[Posted in FML issue 1068]